The Beautiful Game: How one football club's commitment to inclusion can inspire a brighter future for football

March 30, 2023 — JORDY NIJENHUIS

Image: AKS ZŁY


Football is often referred to as ‘the beautiful game’, but there are significant issues plaguing the sport that threaten to tarnish its reputation. Racism, corruption, and hate speech are just some of the problems that have been highlighted in recent years, leading to widespread calls for change.

Despite numerous campaigns and initiatives, incidents of racist abuse continue to occur on and off the pitch. This is not just a problem in the professional game - grassroots football is also affected. In fact, it is often at the grassroots level where these issues are most prevalent, with players and fans alike subjected to abuse based on their race, religion, sexuality or ethnicity. Homophobic and transphobic language is often used on the pitch and in the stands, and women's football is particularly affected by sexist attitudes. This not only makes the sport unwelcoming for those who are targeted by such abuse, but it also sends a message that such behaviour is acceptable, perpetuating the problem.

Hooliganism is often linked to some of the problems in modern day football. The mentality of certain groups of hooligans can create an environment that is unwelcoming to those who are different, leading to incidents of abuse and discrimination. While efforts have been made to combat hooliganism in football, the underlying attitudes that contribute to this behaviour seem to be more deeply rooted and should also be addressed in order to create a truly inclusive and equitable football community.

One inspiring example that highlights that change is possible is AKS ZŁY, a grassroots club based in Warsaw. The club's commitment to gender equality has earned it a UEFA Grassroots Award, and its work demonstrates that football can be a powerful tool for social change.

The first democratic club in the capital of Poland — founded by fans in 2015 — is entirely managed by supporters, athletes, and coaches who are passionate about its development. The club operates men's and women's teams, offers free football classes for refugees, and focuses on the inclusion of disabled players. Its gender equality policy is a crucial aspect of its work, with the club's membership and management reflecting a near-even split between males and females.

AKS ZŁY has become a role model for grassroots activities, breaking down boundaries and making football accessible to everyone, regardless of their background, race, sexuality, fitness level, or gender. The club's commitment to positive behaviour also extends to its matches, where swearing, violence, and hate speech are not allowed.

While AKS ZŁY's work is commendable, there is still much to be done to address the problems facing football today. Initiatives to promote inclusivity and combat racism, corruption, and hate speech must be supported at all levels of the game, from grassroots to professional. By working together, football organisations and fans can ensure that the beautiful game truly lives up to its name.

We interviewed Krzystof Górniak, board member and one of founding members of the club, to learn more about their approach.


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